How To Use SoundCloud As A Lead Generator
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How To Use SoundCloud As A Lead Generator

You can use Soundcloud to get people to your website or other online retailers. I use Bandcamp because Soundcloud seems to like Bandcamp users.

A marketing trick to catch the attention from your visitors is to offer something free. In our case, you can offer some of your tracks for free and gain more exposure.

Soundcloud allows you to make your tracks downloadable. They limit you to a certain number of downloads. (To 100 for a free account and 1000 for a pro account, the Pro Unlimited has unlimited downloads)

Email Gate :

The best option is email gating because you will grow your email list. If you just need to gain more exposure on social media, the like-to-download option may be the best option.

You have 2 ways to put a in place gate. the first one is to link the description to a gating page. You may want to use services like to create your dating page.

The other way is to use the buy button on the player itself (the best is to use both).

You can also use Bandcamp as an email gate for free download. People will have to enter their email to download and give a tip at any price if they want to. Bandcamp will collect emails for you and you can download a CSV file.

Free Download Strategy

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Use the most played tracks and make them downloadable for free on

People can share on social media and even leave a tip. You can also embed their beautiful widget on your website.


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Noisetrade is not synchronized with autoresponders, you’ll have to export the data in a CSV file.

Once your page is live, grab the link and paste it in the « buy link » field of your track in Soundcloud. (You can customize the call to action into « support me »)


Build Your Own Squeeze Page And Supercharge Your Email Marketing


You can also send them to your own squeeze page. This unique page will feature your best work, including a call to action with an incentive. (offer some tracks for an email with an opt-in form)

This special page must be simple, a home page (Funnel), contact, about me, policy&privacy. It is not a traditional artist website but a squeeze page with an autoresponder system. This is the ultimate marketing strategy to sell your music.

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